Upcoming tools

Carousel maker

Create carousels content for instagram & linkedin

Gradient text

Add beautiful gradients to your text

Magic resize

Resize your images to multiple sizes in one click

Text images

Create beauutiful images with text in a few clicks

SVG bgs

A collection of simple SVG backgrounds

Super shots

Create beautiful screenshots in no time

Color generator

Generate colors using color theory principles

Animated patterns

Create animated patterns in one click

Super image editor

A simple image editor for your images

Animated gradient

Animate your gradients in one click

Avatar maker

Generate avatars using simple shapes

Tweet threads to video

Generate beautiful videos from twitter threads

Tweet to image

Generate beautiful images from tweets

Graph generator

Generate beautiful graphs

Generative art

Generate unique generative art

3D background generator

Generate unique 3D backgrounds in one click

Mesh gradient generator

Generate beautiful mesh gradients

Maker avatar image


Hey, I'm Dilpreet, the maker of Super Designer. I'm building simple design tools to make designing fun for everyone

This is my passion project so, I create new design tools every few weeks, get updates about new tools & follow the jouney on twitter.